What is Gym-Max Gatineau doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
As a member of Gym-Max Gatineau, you know that we are very serious about the hygiene of our club. We are proud to be known as a hyper-clean facility, however in light of the recent concerns surrounding COVID-19, Gym-Max is following the recommendation of every major public health agency, including the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), to encourage all Members and Staff to wash their hands regularly using water and. This is the most effective way to reduce the spread of all communicable illnesses including COVID-19. We also have professional cleaners using hospital-grade cleaning solutions. This same disinfectant can be found in the bottles at various stations throughout the club. Members are encouraged to wipe down equipment after each use. Gym-Max employees have been instructed to empty waste baskets more often
In addition, Gym-Max Gatineau is working closely with our staff and are communicating regularly to keep our sanitization procedures as thorough as possible and to provide our staff with best practices in hand washing and respiratory hygiene. Should new information be shared by public health experts we will reevaluate and continue to update our procedures if needed.
You can stay healthy and help prevent the spread of infections by:
• Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is the PHAC’s recommended method of proper hand hygiene;
• Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands;
• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick;
• Coughing or sneezing into your sleeve or tissues and not your hands;
• Staying home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others, and
• Use the provided cleaning supplies and paper towel in the Club to wipe down equipment/machines before and after use.
What is Gym-Max doing to ensure proper hand hygiene? Will Gym-Max be adding hand sanitizer?
Gym-Max is following the recommendation of every major public health agency, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, to encourage all Members and Associates to regularly wash their hands using water and soap. This is the most effective way to reduce the spread of all communicable illnesses including COVID-19.
We recognize that hand sanitizer is a secondary option for when washing your hands with soap and water is not available. We have been in contact with our vendors and have been informed that they are doing everything possible to restock their supply of hand sanitizer. While washing your hands with soap and water remains our number one recommendation as per the Public Health Agency of Canada, Associates and Members may bring their own hand sanitizer to use.